how to overcome money mindset blocks fix your money mindset

How To Overcome Money Mindset Blocks FAST

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Are you feeling stuck when it comes to making money? Do you feel like something is holding you back? If you would like to make more money but secretly believe that “You can’t do it”, then keep on reading, because in this post I show you 7 ways how to overcome your money mindset blocks. These proven 7 steps not only help instantly better your money mindset but open yourself up to overcome being an underearner and ultimately make MORE money. 

Are you ready for it?

First of all, know this…

If you’re struggling to make more money or money in general despite your desire to make money as a stay-at-home mom then know that your problem is actually not money at all. The problem you’re experiencing is most likely a mindset problem, which is the way you think about money. 


it’s not your fault! 

Your thoughts about money are likely not even your own! Your money beliefs have been programmed into you since early childhood. And those flawed money mindset beliefs have since ruled your life and prevented you from getting what you really want. Hasn’t it?

However, this post will give you practical strategies for how you can change that today!

Because in this post I’ll dive deep into 7 ways, which not only help you reframe your new money mindset but to burst through stubborn money mindset blocks and reshape your mindset with new, empowering beliefs around money.

But before we dive in… If you want to work on your money mindset, then I can highly recommend Exploring Your Money Mindset – A Breakthrough Money Mindset Program by mom of two, Cappi Pidwell, which can help you grow your wealth while you sleep (and that is super affordable).

Financial Therapist and Wealth Coach Barbara Huson, former Barbara Stanny, has profoundly impacted my money mindset and my confidence. But not only that but after working through her book Overcoming Underearning I found myself in a new money mindset paradigm. So if you’re feeling like an underearner or if this title intrigues you, get her book here. It will change your life!

The fact that you’re here reading this post is no coincidence. I believe you’re here because you have some mindset blocks you want to work through. And before we dive into the 7 ways to overcome money mindset blocks I want to remind you to please don’t beat yourself up about your negative money mindset. 


every negative thought is a powerful opportunity at the same time. 


Because every time you have a negative thought about money, you also have an opportunity to rethink and change it! And in this article, I show you how you can do that exactly! 

In fact, this works across all areas of your life, not just money, so use these principles to improve your negative thoughts in other areas too. 

And with that, let’s jump into the 7 ways to overcome your money mindset blocks, fast. 

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1. Recognise your negative thoughts about money

This is a crucial first step.

Do you remember the last time you wanted to do something to earn more money? Maybe it was something scary like finally starting your blog or asking for a raise. And all of sudden you hear this voice in the back of your head saying “No, you can’t do this.” or “This is way too hard”.

And before you know it, you shrink back into NOT starting your business, not starting your side hustle, or not putting your job search post up. But here’s how you stop this behavior. Instead of ignoring your thoughts without paying much attention to them, you want to pause and recognize that you’re having this negative thought. 

Awareness is key. Because only when you’re aware of your negative money mindset blocks can you change them around. And in the next step, I show you how.

2. Be curious about your negative money thoughts

Now that you have detected your negative thought say to yourself in a curious, inquisitive, non-judgmental voice

“Hmmm, isn’t this interesting? I am having a negative thought that I am not good enough to make more money”.

Of course, you want to fill in the blanks with whatever negative money thought comes up for you. Say it out loud and really mean it. Try it right now!

Don’t judge your thought and I’ll explain why you shouldn’t in the next step.

3. Distance yourself from your negative thought about money

Next, you want to distance yourself from this negative thought, because this is NOT your thought. The belief was most likely implanted in your mind through past generations, your parents’ beliefs around money, or your early childhood indoctrination. Don’t forget that this is just a thought, a thought that most likely belonged to someone else. And… it’s very likely NOT even true and nothing more than somebody else’s belief about money.

Allow yourself to recognize that and put distance between this old, damaging thought and yourself. This might feel strange at first to distance yourself from your thoughts but it will also feel amazing when you do it.

Once you’ve looked at your negative money thoughts from afar you want to do the next step.

4. Replace your old thought with a new money belief

ways to fix negative money mindset

Warning. Here’s the truth and why so many moms fail to do this.

When you’re replacing your old money belief with a new, better belief about money, it will feel strange, at first.

You won’t even believe it, and you might even feel like a fraud for saying it. Because the moment you change a negative money belief from “I can’t do it” to a  positive affirmative money belief “I AM CAPABLE OF MAKING MONEY” your brain will scream back at you “No, you’re not!”.

But, and this is a BIG but… It will only feel like this in the beginning.

The more you keep repeating this new money belief the stronger it will become.

And, the less frequently you focus your attention on your old thoughts that hold you down, the more these thoughts will lose their power. Because, like with everything in life, you can only focus your attention on one thing at a time. That means if you constantly work on focusing your attention on your new, empowering money belief then this belief will ultimately become stronger, and eventually, the old, forgotten belief will vanish. And that’s what you want. This is ultimately how you rewire your brain to think positively about money.

But there is one vital component you must do also.

5. Take “new” action

Yes, although this is about breaking your money mindset blocks, you also must take action. Because just doing the mindset work itself is not enough, or else we could all just wish for money, lay back, and wait for it to arrive. But making money, mommy requires you to take “new” action. And here’s how you do it.

Feeling resistance

It’s important that you act in alignment with your new money belief or else it won’t work. But what if taking action doesn’t feel easy? Does that mean you’re not taking the right action? Don’t mistake resistance you might feel as a sign that what you’re doing isn’t the right thing. Feeling resistance only means that you’re doing something new you haven’t done before. 

And the only way to break through that is with the next step.

6. Repeat this process

Now that you have your new money belief and have identified which “new”  actions you need to take you must repeat this process over and over. From now on, this needs to be your new daily routine. Repetition can be so powerful because the more you think about a positive belief the more your brain starts to believe it. 

You won’t believe it at first but eventually, with repetition, you will! It takes a lot of effort and a lot of repetition. But the good news is that it will become easier the more you practice. It’s only going to feel hard in the beginning but soon the resistance will slowly dissolve and you’ll find that it no longer feels like an effort to write 2 blog posts a week or do the sales calls or increase your rates. So try doing it for a few days, it will become automated and soon it will become your new way of thinking.

Don’t believe me? Then maybe you can remember for a second how you felt when you were driving a car for the first time. At first, it felt so overwhelming to check all the mirrors and make sure you hit the right pedals with your feet. And next, before you know it you were doing it all on autopilot speeding down the highway, without even thinking about it, right?

And you know how you got there? Through repetition and eventually automating the process to a point where your brain was taking care of most of the thinking. And this is exactly where you want to get to with your new money mindset beliefs.

7. Dress for success (Even if no one sees you)

One of the fastest ways I’ve found to drastically improve my money mindset is by dressing in clothes that make me feel amazing! 

Because the way you dress not only informs your brain about how you feel but also how you feel about yourself. And feeling confident is key to reaching for better feelings and money beliefs. But it also makes taking “new” action a lot easier.  

Especially when working from home it’s tempting to not make a lot of effort when it comes to what you’re wearing. But when you dress better, you feel better, and then you’ll think higher of yourself. And when you’re feeling like a million dollars on the inside you’re pathing the way for better money beliefs.

So today, carefully consider whether you should put on the old track pants and a ribbed jumper or that dress that you ooze confidence in. Do that even when you work from home and no one else other than your kids is going to see you. One quick tip I do is to only keep items in my wardrobe that make me feel amazing. This makes choosing what to wear a lot easier (and more fun!).


Which step inspired you? Which step surprised you?

So let’s recap the 7 steps to help overcome money mindset blocks and form new empowering money beliefs.

Summary of the 7 steps to overcoming money mindset blocks fast

  • Recognize your negative, disempowering thoughts and 
  • Replace them with new, inspiring money beliefs EVEN if you don’t fully believe them yourself, yet. 
  • Because with repetition you build that muscle and eventually, you will replace your old money mindset with a new, empowering money belief.
  • Then, take action even if it feels uncomfortable because remember, it will only feel like that at first. 
  • Put on some nice clothes that make you feel good about yourself and your day on the inside along with a cup of my favorite, green jasmine tea.

I hope you’re feeling inspired right now and ready to take your money mindset to the next level.
Good luck with your new money mindset, mommy. You’ve got this!

What’s the one thing you take away from this post that you’re going to start doing today?

I would love to know in the comments how you’re getting on (and also what your favorite beverage of choice is).

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