how twins mommy mom blogger elna makes money blogging

How Twins Mommy Mom Blogger Elna Makes Money

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Are you curious to find out how Twins Mommy mom blogger Elna Cain makes money from her blog besides being a full-time mom to twins and a full-time blogger? Then find out in this post.

But Elna hasn’t just started one blog! To this date, this busy mama has started 5+ profitable blogs, generating multiple six-figures, and that number is counting.

The best thing is that she figured out a formula to drive traffic to her blogs that provided an income. So I asked her “How to make money as a mom blogger?” and she shared the secrets of her success with me.

And in this post, you too can discover Elna’s tips on how new mommy bloggers can make money and more!


The truth is, there are a lot of mom blogs and a lot of new bloggers out there. Therefore, your biggest challenge is how to get enough page views and eyeballs on your blog to make money from it.

One thing I can say upfront is that the most important thing to help you make money is by increasing your blog traffic. But how do you do that?

Let’s find out what this successful mom blogger and twin mom does it.

And with that, over to you, Elna!

Hey, Elna! I am so excited to chat with you. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us what made you decide to become a mommy blogger?

Hi! My name is Elna Cain. I’m a mom blogger as well as a professional freelance writer for B2B companies. I started my mom blog, Twins Mommy, back in January of 2017 when my twins were toddlers. I decided to start a mom blog because my current and first blog, Elna Cain, was focused on freelance writing and the audience was mostly men. So, when I tried to blog about my work from home life on that blog, it didn’t resonate with my audience. I knew that if I wanted to share more of my work-at-home mom journey, I needed to have another blog besides my freelance writing business. That’s when I started Twins Mommy.

What’s your number one tip to make money as a mom blogger?

My number one tip for making money as a mom blogger is to create content first before trying to monetize your blog. It’s hard to do affiliate marketing right off the bat or create sponsored posts without a large audience.

It’s best to focus on your writing and helping your audience FIRST before you decide to sell or try to make money from blogging. I have done both ways – blogging first for an audience and blogging for money – and I can tell you that generating a hardcore audience is the easiest method to gain income. Why? Because your audience knows you, likes you, and trusts you. When you have this in place, it’s much easier to use monetization strategies to promote affiliate products or sell your own products, or do sponsored content.

What was the one thing you did that started to move the traffic needle for your blog?

With Twins Mommy, I used Pinterest marketing as a way to grow my traffic. This was the #1 method that helped me gain 4,000 pageviews in the first month of blogging. Pinterest back in 2017 was a great platform to get tons of traffic to your blog posts. Now, in 2022, Pinterest is becoming more challenging but you do still get traffic from Pinterest. I started a new niche site and all the visitors are from Pinterest so I know it’s working still!

How can your course Ready Set Blog for Traffic help you make money blogging?

My course, Ready Set Blog for Traffic, is a traffic building course to help you monetize your blog either through ad income or affiliate income.

I have an in-depth module on:

  • SEO
  • Pinterest marketing, and
  • Creating money-generating/traffic-generating content.

Since I started a niche site I will do a case study on what I’m doing and share that with course students in Ready Set Blog for Traffic.

If you’re interested, sign up here to become a course student too (She also has payment plans available).

“Focus on people and the money will come” Do you think that is true for building a profitable blog? And what would your advice be to focus on instead other than making money, to make money?

Blogging isn’t a personal diary anymore. If you want to blog to make money you need to understand SEO (search engine optimization) and social media marketing and email marketing. One thing to focus on to make money is your email list. For the sites I have that don’t have an email list, it’s harder to make income. I generate a few hundred per month. But on the sites with an email list, I generate a six-figure income. So, if anything, cultivate a strong loyal readership via your email list.

What’s one “silly” mistake you made that would be hugely beneficial for new mom bloggers to avoid?

When I first started blogging I didn’t have a Gravatar. I had no idea what this was and didn’t know that you could have your brand or face when you comment on other people’s blogs. I had to learn through trial and error what that was and how to set one up!

What advice would you give yourself if you were starting all over? What would you do differently?

I’ve been blogging for many years and I’ve learned that SEO (search engine optimization) is more crucial than I originally thought. When I started blogging in 2017, it was easy to gain a readership. So when I started a new site in 2022, I realized that to see traffic I need to rely on SEO and search engines more.  

What’s your proudest achievement as a mommy blogger? 

For me, one of my proudest achievements as a mommy blogger it’s being able to stay home with my husband and children. My husband helps me with my business and it’s nice that we’ve built a successful business right at home! I’m happy that my twins know no different from their parents staying home and not going off to work each day.

What are you currently working on and how we can connect with you?

Currently, I’m updating my courses and trying to grow my Youtube channel! Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel Twins Mommy and follow me on Instagram!

Thank you, Elna!

Did you enjoy learning more about mom blogger Elna Cain from Twins Mommy?

Very inspiring, right? I love that she shared that her proudest achievement as a mommy blogger is that she’s able to be a stay-at-home mom. Because I am sure you can relate as much as I do. Staying at home, doing what I love, and earning a full-time income is the dream.

How to get blog traffic as a new mom blogger

Elna really knows how to get blog traffic that converts and in this course, she shares her secrets with you.

Using these strategies that’s how she was able to start multiple successful blogs. Besides her freelance writing blog, to help you become a freelance blogger, she also runs niche blogs like Smart Mom Ideas, a lifestyle mom blog, and Imperfectly Perfect Mama, a parenting blog for new moms and first time moms.

Her blogs are now thriving small businesses providing an income for her family and allowing her to work from home as a full-time blogger together with her husband.

If you want to learn more about the best way to get more blog traffic to your blog post then definitely check out her best-selling online course Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic.

What I like about this course is that it is packed with videos and behind-the-scenes stuff, teaching you different ways and different strategies how to grow your blog traffic doing digital marketing, how to use Pinterest traffic, and the best tips on how to create great content that is the most valuable content to your readers.

Elna’s tips on how to make money blogging also mentioned SEO which stands for search engine optimization. And in her course, she goes over how you can write better posts that rank.

Make money as a freelance writer

Elna also generates a lot of her income from doing client work, like freelance writing. So if you’re interested in how to get paid to write, for example, for other bloggers then check out her course HERE.

This course is a great way for new writers to start a freelance writing career. Elna’s freelance writing course offers the quickest way to become a professional writer and sign your first freelance writing clients.

This get’s us to the end of this post. I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

I’d love to hear from you, what was your biggest takeaway, and what is your biggest struggle currently monetizing your blog? Leave me a comment below. If you have a specific question for Elna then I’ll forward your comment to her, thanks!

Also, check out how Michelle from Making Sense of Cents makes money blogging.

2 thoughts on “How Twins Mommy Mom Blogger Elna Makes Money”

  1. Great post Kristin, and great blog by the way. Nice to see that Pinterest is still generating traffic, as this is something I’m trying with my site. Thank you for sharing Elna’s story, its inspiring!

    1. Thanks, Jim and I am glad you found this inspiring. Pinterest is still very much alive although it has changed a lot. Nevertheless, Elna definitely knows how to capitalize on it, so please feel free to check out her course if that’s something you’re interested in.

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